Due to state restrictions on invasive species, we are not able to ship or sell any Brazos Crayfish to the following state(s): California and Wisconsin
This species is prohibited to own in the above state(s), meaning it is illegal to possess them live in these state(s). This includes possession for consumption, education, aquarium trade, or any other live trade. If you try to include this crayfish in your cart shipping to any of the above states an error will occur preventing the order to process.
Introducing the Brazos Dwarf Crayfish, the newest addition to our collection of invertebrates!This miniature freshwater crayfish features a spunky personality and a marbled pattern of various brown, tan, and beige colors. Dwarf crayfish are also known as mini lobsters, although true lobsters do not exist in freshwater. Brazos Dwarf Crayfish are very similar to the Orange CPO Crayfish in appearance and behavior, but their colors are earth tones as opposed to the bright orange color that the CPOs display. Most Brazos Dwarf Crayfish are brown in color, and some feature some tan and beige colors that form marbled patterns along the body.
Dwarf crayfish like this one are one of our favorite invertebrates here at Aquatic Arts. They are much larger in size than dwarf shrimp (they can grow up to 1.6 inches long) and tend to live much longer, but are still small enough to comfortably live in a tank as small as five gallons. They are are quite active and do not hide during the day like most larger crayfish. They definitely make an exciting addition to any aquarium and are a great way to get into invertebrates if you haven't joined the craze already! It is a skilled climber, so extra care must be taken to ensure that it does not escape its enclosure.
Though this crayfish is small enough not to be a threat to most other tank inhabitants, they have on occasion gone after dwarf shrimp, so we cannot recommend keeping them in the same tank. These are normally peaceful, but all crayfish are opportunistic omnivore hunters/scavengers so there is always a small chance they could try to fin clip slow moving fish or ones with long flowing fins. We have kept them with schools of fast moving small fish like rasboras, rainbowfish, and danios with very little to no issues. Caution just needs to be advised whenever housing a crayfish with other tank mates.
What We Like About This Crayfish:
Attractive marbled pattern
Very active personality
Too small to be a threat to most other tank inhabitants
Easy to care for
Temperature: 60° - 82° F (16° - 28° C)
pH: 6.0 - 8.0
KH: 6 - 12 dKH
Minimum tank size: 5 gallons
Diet: Omnivorous. High-quality sinking pellets, plants, and freeze-dried or frozen meaty foods will be readily accepted. Cuttlebone can be added to the aquarium to supplement calcium, which will aid in exoskeleton production
Social behavior: Can be aggressive/territorial with other crayfish, but is much less so than Procambarus species such as the Electric Blue Crayfish
Origin: Tank-bred, but indigenous to North America